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  4. ETH or Tokens sent to or from exchange haven't shown up

ETH or Tokens Sent to or From Exchange Haven't Shown Up

Last updated: October 26th, 2021

First, check the transaction on Etherscan or Etherchain, and ensure that there is no red ( ! ) symbol or error in the transaction overview.

Successful Transactions

Unsuccessful Transactions

If there is no red symbol, that means the transaction is a valid & successful transaction on the blockchain.

MyCrypto is not a "web wallet." We do not store your funds and you do not have an account with us. We do not have the ability to process withdrawals nor deposits, nor can we send or cancel transactions. If your funds aren't showing up where you sent them, you likely need to reach out to that service for more information.

We also highly recommend that you Google the services you send funds to, as there are a lot of scams out there. Typing in "service name + scam" or "service name + reviews" will help you determine whether you are sending funds to a legitimate service.

If you do not see the transaction on Etherscan or Etherchain, please check with the exchange that you used for this transaction because it may not have been broadcasted yet by the exchange.

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