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Adding a New Network to MyCrypto

Last updated: June 23rd, 2021

Please see this article for a list of networks that are currently supported by MyCrypto.

Adding support for your Ethereum-like network is easy, assuming it isn't significantly different from the Ethereum network. To make sure your network is well supported, we require the following:

  • Must have at least one reliable, working node.

  • Must be EIP-155 compliant with a unique Chain ID that is not used by any other MyCrypto-supported network.

  • Must have a block explorer that can view addresses, transactions, and blocks.

  • Should not have a token name that conflicts with a more popular token.

If you meet all of those requirements, you simply need to make a pull request with the following changes:

  1. Add a new NetworkId to src/types/networkId.ts.
  2. In src/database/data/networks.ts, add an entry using the NetworkId as the key. The dPaths field specifies default derivation paths for usage in hierarchical deterministic wallets (Ledger, Trezor, Secret Recovery Phrase). Note: Ledger may block your network's chain ID to only be used in specific derivation paths.
  3. If you need to add a new derivation path for your network, you can do so in src/config/dpaths.ts. Simply add an object and variable for the derivation path, and then add the variable to the DPathsList array.
  4. Add one or more nodes to src/database/data/nodes.ts using the NetworkId provided earlier.


This commit exemplifies the process described above.

Adding a Node

If you'd only like to add a node to support an existing network, all you need to do is follow step 4 listed above. Nodes are automatically load-balanced based on performance, so your node will automatically get utilized by anyone using the network. Thanks for supporting the ecosystem!

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