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Which Networks Does MyCrypto Support?

Last updated: January 15th, 2021

MyCrypto supports a wide variety of different networks, better known as blockchains. The different types of networks that MyCrypto supports are all based on the original Ethereum codebase, with some differences which set them apart from the original Ethereum network.

This article lists the different networks MyCrypto supports at this time. Please keep in mind that we are not affiliated with these third-party networks, and that this page is not meant as an endorsement.


Ethereum is a global, open-source platform for decentralized applications. On Ethereum, you can write code that controls digital value, runs exactly as programmed, and is accessible anywhere in the world.” - ethereum.org

Unit: ETH
Website: ethereum.org
Source: github.com/ethereum
Block explorer: etherscan.io / blockscout.com

Ethereum Testnets

Testnets are blockchains that are meant for testing applications, without having to risk real funds. Testnet Ether can be found at various faucets, which you can find here. This lists the various testnets that are based on Ethereum.


Ropsten is a public testnet for Ethereum that uses PoW (Proof of Work)

Unit: ETH
Website: N/A
Source: github.com/ethereum/ropsten
Block explorer: ropsten.etherscan.io


Kovan is a public testnet for Ethereum that uses Parity's PoA (Proof of Authority) consensus engine.

Unit: ETH
Website: kovan-testnet.github.io
Source: github.com/kovan-testnet
Block explorer: kovan.etherscan.io


Rinkeby is a public testnet for Ethereum that uses PoA (Proof of Authority).

Unit: ETH
Website: rinkeby.io
Source: N/A
Block explorer: rinkeby.etherscan.io


Goerli is a public testnet for Ethereum that POA (Proof of Authority) consensus engine - it is cross client compatible.

Unit: ETH
Website: goerli.net
Source: github.com/goerli
Block explorer: goerli.etherscan.io

Ethereum Classic

Ethereum Classic provides a permissionless way to manage digital assets without the need for intermediaries, such as banks and other institutions.” - ethereumclassic.org

Unit: ETC
Website: ethereumclassic.org
Source: github.com/ethereumclassic
Block explorer: blockscout.com/etc/minnet


Rsk is the most secure smart contract network in the world and enables decentralized applications secured by the Bitcoin Network to empower people and improve the quality of life of millions.” - rsk.co

Unit: RBTC
Website: rsk.co
Source: github.com/RSKSmart
Block explorer: explorer.rsk.co


Ubiq is built upon an improved version of the Ethereum Codebase, putting stability at its core. Ubiq offers an enterprise-stable platform by implementing well established and thoroughly tested EVM code. This code, coupled with a conservative upgrade schedule, reduces the risk of network instability and unintended hard-forks.” - ubiqsmart.com

Unit: UBQ
Website: ubiqsmart.com
Source: github.com/ubiq
Block explorer: ubiqscan.io


Expanse is an open blockchain platform forked from Ethereum that lets anyone build and use decentralized applications that run on blockchain technology. Like Bitcoin and Ethereum, no one controls or owns Expanse – it is an open-source project built by many people around the world. But unlike the Bitcoin protocol, Expanse was designed to be adaptable and flexible. It is easy to create new applications on the Expanse platform.” - expanse.tech

Unit: EXP
Website: expanse.tech
Source: github.com/expanse-org
Block explorer: explorer.expanse.tech


POA Network is an autonomous network secured by a group of trusted validators. All validators on the network are United States notaries, and their information is publicly available. This distributed group of known validators allows the network to provide fast and inexpensive transactions.” - poa.network

Unit: POA
Website: poa.network
Source: github.com/poanetwork
Block explorer: blockscout.com/poa/core


The TomoChain blockchain and product ecosystem enable development of high-performance blockchain projects. An array of original features and protocols is designed to support speed, privacy, usability, and liquidity needs all in one platform.” - tomochain.com

Unit: TOMO
Website: tomochain.com
Source: github.com/tomochain
Block explorer: scan.tomochain.com


Musicoin is a music streaming platform built on the blockchain that supports the creation, distribution and consumption of music in a shared economy. Listeners can stream songs from independent musicians on our platform absolutely free and without ads, while musicians are compensated more fairly than major music streaming platforms in the industry.” - musicoin.org

Website: musicoin.org
Source: github.com/Musicoin
Block explorer: explorer.musicoin.org


(EGEM) is a community-supported coin with no pre-mine. Based off of Ethereum. It also offers quarrynodes that pay dividends to node holders, and a robust discord community with a bot that helps management of daily tasks for node holders and members.” - egem.io

Unit: EGEM
Website: egem.io
Source: github.com/TeamEGEM
Block explorer: explorer.egem.io


Callisto Network is a decentralized open source crypto platform based on the go-Ethereum source code with its own cryptocurrency ‘CLO’. The main goal of Callisto is to research and develop a reference implementation of a self-sustaining, self-governed and self-funded blockchain ecosystem and development environment.” - callisto.network

Unit: CLO
Website: callisto.network
Source: github.com/CallistoNetwork
Block explorer: explorer2.callisto.network


GoChain is a blockchain-first company, everything blockchain is our life blood and this is the company’s complete and total focus. We’re uniquely the world’s only full-service blockchain consultancy, architecture and professional development company that also runs a public, decentralized, enterprise-secured blockchain network. Many blockchain companies focus on advising, consulting and development OR they’ve built a blockchain protocol. GoChain bridges the gap by building the world’s fastest web3 blockchain for public, private and hybrid deployments, while also advising and building enterprise applications for the world’s largest companies, NGOs and institutions.” - gochain.io

Unit: GO
Website: gochain.io
Source: github.com/gochain
Block explorer: explorer.gochain.io


ESN is created based on Ethereum. We have optimized ESN as community coins leveraging smart applications of Ethereum. ESN activates a social network of people, who are participating in a community based on easily available cryptocurrencies and can produce coins at the same” - ethersocial.org

Unit: ESN
Website: ethersocial.org
Source: github.com/ethersocial
Block explorer: ethersocial.net


Aquachain - A distributed financial computing platform, secured by proof of work. It is a cryptocurrency, with smart contracts, capable of rapid change in protocol. Changes can be to keep up with technology, or make changes to the consensus rules to add features. Without a pre-mine, pre-sale, ICO, or dev funds, Aquachain was created as a more experimental, slower, fair launch alternative to other smart contract platforms.” - aquachain.github.io

Unit: AQUA
Website: aquachain.github.io
Source: github.com/aquachain
Block explorer: blockscout.aqua.signal2noi.se


Blockchain based applications with access to data from the real world. Access any API on the internet in a secure and trusted fashion. Generate functionally random numbers for games and contests. With Akroma, build applications that can’t be built anywhere else.” - akroma.io

Unit: AKA
Website: akroma.io
Source: github.com/akroma-project
Block explorer: blocks.akroma.wattpool.net


PIRL is a community based project that introduces the first Ethash Based Masternode to the blockchain ecosystem. The project combines state of the art technologies and have a strong focus on privacy.” - pirl.io

Unit: PIRL
Website: pirl.io
Source: github.com/pirl
Block explorer: explorer.pirl.network


Atheios is developed to be a stable Proof of Work platform based on Ethereum and Ubiq. Born in the crypto winter of 2018, Atheios is a new blockchain that contained no premine or ICO. As a community run coin, our primary focus is improving the core features of the Atheios Blockchain.” - atheios.org

Unit: ATH
Website: atheios.org
Source: github.com/athofficial
Block explorer: explorer.atheios.org


Ether-1's mission is to bring content hosting and use together to service the same people who also provide the service. ethoFS aims to be a content hosting platform that is usable by anyone and where anyone can have a voice.” - ether1.org

Unit: ETHO
Website: ether1.org
Source: github.com/Ether1Project
Block explorer: explorer.ether1.org


MIX Blockchain is a smart contract platform for decentralized content. It is fully public. It cannot be censored and no one can be prevented from participating. It is fully programmable at every level. It is a protocol for interconnected content apps that empower the individual.” - mix-blockchain.org

Unit: MIX
Website: mix-blockchain.org
Source: github.com/mix-blockchain
Block explorer: blocks.mix-blockchain.org


REOSC is an Ethereum based blockchain that integrates POW and a masternode system to secure the network.” - bitcointalk.org

Website: reosc.io
Source: N/A
Block explorer: explorer.reosc.io


ARTIS is an open, permissionless smart contract platform built for the circular economy. It is the most energy efficient Ethereum compliant blockchain with the added benefit of scalability, low fees, real-time transactions and easy deployment.” - artis.eco

Website: artis.eco
Source: github.com/lab10-coop
Block explorer: explorer.sigma1.artis.network / explorer.tau1.artis.network


Founded by top researchers and engineers in the field, ThunderCore is a leading public blockchain with its own native currency. Our servers are entirely trustful, decentralized, fault tolerant, and set a new standard of reliability and security. By solving usability and adoption challenges, ThunderCore leads the effort to bring wide adoption to blockchain technology.” - thundercore.com

Unit: TT
Website: thundercore.com
Source: github.com/thundercore
Block explorer: scan.thundercore.com


Metadium is an ecosystem built on a public identity blockchain. Our vision is to create a free world through self-sovereign identity.” - metadium.com

Unit: META
Website: metadium.com
Source: github.com/metadium
Block explorer: explorer.metadium.com

DEXON Network

DEXON is a distributed ledger technology designed to solve the problems inherent in other blockchain systems. It provides high scalability, fast finality, and top-notch security while maintaining all the key features we love from existing blockchain systems.” - dexon.org

Unit: DXN
Website: dexon.org
Source: github.com/dexon-foundation
Block explorer: dexonscan.app

Energy Web Chain

In 2019 EW launched the Energy Web Chain, the world’s first open-source, enterprise blockchain platform tailored to the energy sector. EW’s technology roadmap has since grown to include the Energy Web Decentralized Operating System (EW-DOS), a “blockchain-plus” suite of decentralized solutions.” - energyweb.org

Unit: EWT
Website: energyweb.org
Source: github.com/energywebfoundation
Block explorer: explorer.energyweb.org

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MyCrypto is an open-source tool that allows you to manage your Ethereum accounts privately and securely. Developed by and for the community since 2015, we’re focused on building awesome products that put the power in people’s hands.

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