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  4. How to Access Your Wallet with a Keystore File

How to Access Your Wallet with a Keystore File

Last updated: October 26th, 2021

Important Information

We do not recommend that you access your wallet via Keystore file.


Keystore files are vulnerable for two reasons:

  1. Theft

    • To use a keystore file means you need to upload this file online and type in a password to unlock the file. If you enter this into a fake phishing website, your funds WILL BE STOLEN
  2. They are not recoverable if lost or stolen

    • MyCrypto does not store any information. We only have access to information that is publicly available on the blockchain. Hardware wallets at least give you a chance to restore your wallet if you lose the device using the 12-word Secret Recovery Phrase if you have backed it up correctly.
    • If you lose the keystore file or forget the password, there is almost no guarantee that you will ever gain access back to the wallet

What Is a Keystore File?

A keystore file (sometimes called a UTC file) in Ethereum is an encrypted version of your private key. They are generated using your private key and a password that you use to encrypt it. If you open up your keystore file in a text editor it contains data pertaining to the encryption of the private key.

Note: Your keystore file has a .json file extension. If you try to convert it to any other file extension, then it may break when you try to convert it back. Don't do this. If you want to understand the contents of your json file, reference this medium article by Julien.Maffre.

Accessing Your Wallet

The desktop application is not actively maintained.

The MyCrypto desktop application is part of an older version of MyCrypto that is not actively maintained. You can find the latest version of MyCrypto on mycrypto.com.

MyCrypto does not allow you to use the web application to access your keystore file. Instead, you have to download the MyCrypto desktop app. A more detailed explanation on why we decided for this change can be found here.

  1. Follow our guide on running MyCrypto offline and locally.

  2. Open the MyCrypto desktop application.

  3. The "View & Send" tab will appear, click "Keystore File".

  4. Click "SELECT WALLET FILE" and navigate to your keystore file.

  5. Enter the password used to encrypt the file when the wallet was made.

  6. Click "Unlock" and your wallet will show up.

  7. Find your account address, next to a colorful, circular icon. This icon visually represents your address.

    • If you printed out your wallet, check to be sure the circles match. They should be the same colors and shapes. Otherwise, something went wrong and you should start over.

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MyCrypto is an open-source tool that allows you to manage your Ethereum accounts privately and securely. Developed by and for the community since 2015, we’re focused on building awesome products that put the power in people’s hands.

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